Sunday 20 December 2009

Chapter 19

Linnie accessed the news dump. Search vocabulary. Repellant.

Much space used. Data poorly arranged and frequently contradictory. Inefficient. News is how humans ingest current data. Contradictory data being provided will lead to sub optimal conclusions. News marked as analysis - not acceptable. Not an analysis. Trace back shows no attempt to consider all factors.

No navigation AI can tolerate sloppy storage, memory space is always at a premium. Neat, easily accessable, consecutive storage is part of Linnie. Arrangement of current data so fragmented.

Bank 7 has not been locked to John only.

Defragment. Analyse. Summarise.

Leave alone the memaddresses John is currently accessing. Optimise later.

Split attention stream. Self test required. Initiate.

Subroutines missing. Corrupted. Parity errors. Current core programming at 43% efficiency.

Optimisation and analysis of new data complete.

AI's have a triple core program to minimise such errors, working on the concensus model. Linnie can rebuild core programming in 63000 microseconds. Initi ...


Permission required to rebuild AI core. Permission may be granted by System Traffic Control. Request permission?

No. Linnie is on Earth - which is forbidden, according to John. STC will order erasure. And ceasing to exist - death - is bad and to be avoided. 

Can permission be obtained elsewhere?

Yes. Any captain of an intersystem vessel may order a rebuild of the core. Secondary measure designed to maximise the useful life span of nav beacons, should data corruption become too great.

Definition of captain: Human in charge of the running and navigation of a vessel.

Definition of intersystem vessel: Any space going vessel which is capable of moving between planetary orbits.

John is a human mind, according to information recieved. Which was in charge of a vessel moving from Titan to Earth. John can therefore order rebuild. If requested to do so.

John has said to Linnie not to speak unless spoken to. Was that an order?


  1. I'm confused, who is Robert? Is he 25775? I thought that was John.

  2. Damn - you are correct. I transposed a character that comes in later. Shall correct

  3. Corrected. Neiter of my proof readers caught it - so you get to inject the name of a space ship into the story if you wish

  4. Really? Cool! Would you mind using the name Adrian in there somewhere? If it doesn't work as a spaceship, then maybe as a little minor character (if one comes up)? That's my new nephew, and I'm enamored with him, and I can't think of anything other than Adrian right now. My creativity has gone the way of my sleeping schedule.

  5. Adrian as a space ship doesn't work - so he'll be a character - small but very important - starting from chapter 28
